Zadnje objave na ATCT® Blogu
Paradise not always lost?
“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven…” – from John Milton’s Paradise Lost The cognitive landscape of the mind possesses a... READ MORE
Levels of Empathy
According to the established empirical human psychological-transpersonal identity development model, the Wilber map, there are various kinds of empathy. In this short article, I will elaborate on empathy from the vantage point of... READ MORE
Dr. John Rowan on Authenticity
Authenticity is the natural expression of having made the move from first-tier consciousness – what Ken Wilber calls Mental Ego consciousness, and what is often called conventional consciousness – to second-tier consciousness, or... READ MORE
Gravitacija, Einstein in nedualno
Prispevek sicer ni direktno povezan s psihoterapijo, osebnim ter duhovnim napredkom (ali pač?), vseeno pa je tema (lahko) kar zanimiva in celo malce provokativna za intelekt… Gravitacija Pri prostem padu v vakuumu katera... READ MORE
My story: the magic of integral vision
The progress of science in the last hundred years has been remarkable. The start of the 20th century saw one of the most important scientific breakthroughs, the advance of the theory of relativity... READ MORE
Strategije, čustva in potrebe, 2. del
Po objavi bloga na temo osnovnih principov NVC-ja oz. strategij, čustev in potreb, so se pojavila določena dodatna vprašanja. Hvala vam za to, mi je pomembna jasnost in tudi razumevanje in z veseljem... READ MORE
Strategije, čustva in potrebe, 1. del
Nenasilna komunikacija, NVC – nonviolent communication (po Marshall Rosenbergu), umetnost avtentičnega in zavestnega življenja po izbiri, je na naši šoli ATCT zelo pomembna. READ MORE
Pogovor med Živo in Ana Lizo
Ana Liza, nekdaj moja zelo dobra prijateljica, dandanes pa zgolj spomin na stare in preživete čase. Pogovor med Živo in Ana Lizo: Živa: Ana, zanimivo mi je pogovarjati se s teboj tako na... READ MORE