“Celotni Program Akademije TCT® (ATCT®) je sestavljen tako, da angažirani slušatelji pridobijo
podrobno znanje IN izkušnje o delovanju človeških osebnih in nadosebnih stanj zavesti.

Vso pridobljeno znanje se lahko uporabi za izvajanje metode TCT®,
pristno srečno in izpolnjeno vsakdanje življenje,
najbolj željnim duhovnih izkušenj pa lahko doprinese v unikatnem
Programu IV. letnika ATCT®, Iluminacija Integralne zavesti.
– Edmond Cigale, Ph.D.


Do decembra 2024 poteka vpis v XI. generacijo ATCT®.
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Zadnje objave na ATCT® Blogu

Levels of Empathy

According to the established empirical human psychological-transpersonal identity development model, the Wilber map, there are various kinds of empathy. In this short article, I will elaborate on empathy from the vantage point of... READ MORE

Dr. John Rowan on Authenticity

Authenticity is the natural expression of having made the move from first-tier consciousness – what Ken Wilber calls Mental Ego consciousness, and what is often called conventional consciousness – to second-tier consciousness, or... READ MORE